
International Women's Day

International Women's Day

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 This International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating how women of faith continue to promote the good news of the gospel. At a time when so much on the news reflects fractured relationships, it’s an opportunity to celebrate God’s divine activity at work through the gifts women bring.

As part of marking the day, our Dean of Ministry, Sharon Prentis, spoke to a few people from our own student body about what it means to be a woman in the Church today, and what they would say to inspire the next generation of women. You can watch those conversations here .

Reflection from Ali Hogger-Gadsby

The theme for International Women’s Day this year is Embrace Equity. This is a recognition of the uniqueness of each individual, acknowledging that equity is not the same as equality; life is not a level playing field and some are more privileged than others. Equity asks that differences in opportunity and experience are noticed and addressed; we don’t all need the same support or resources. For women, the reality is often that not only is the playing field not level, it is littered with potholes, and hard going hills, and it can feel like although we have made much progress, the road to equity is still long and winding. There is still a gender pay gap, a lack of equity in health outcomes, a fear of walking home alone; it is easy to be discouraged.

 As followers of Christ, we know, though that discouragement is not the end of the story. As women and men, we are made in his image, made to live in community together and bear with one another (Ephesians 4:2). Embracing equity may mean that we need to step back to encourage the flourishing of our sisters.  We begin this work by listening to the voices that have been silenced, accustomed to not being heard, to being drowned out by power imbalances. Who might you listen to this International Women’s Day? Who is on the edges, waiting to be drawn out and drawn in? What are the stories we hold and long to share about our own search for equity?

 Take some time this week to have a conversation, to notice where equity is needed for the women you meet or to share your own perspective. May that embracing of one another’s perspectives be a blessing as we continue to build equity, women and men together.