
Serve Afghanistan

Serve Afghanistan

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We praise God that he is still calling people to work and minister in Afghanistan.  Serve Afghanistan ( ) needs more Christian workers as do other agencies.  Kennedy, Serve's Executive Director, has been able to go in and out of country multiple times now and project work as well as food distributions run by Afghan staff have been ongoing.  Of course it is very challenging at times but (and I don't say it lightly) God promises to equip those he calls.


We asked 2 current applicants who are both ready to go in country, and Kennedy the Serve Director, the following questions and want to share them with you so you can pray for them but also be aware how God is calling people to Afghanistan.


What makes you want to go to live/work and witness in Afghanistan at this time given the current situation and inevitable challenges?

Sandra feels the current situation is all the more reason to work and witness in Afghanistan.  The needs are greater than ever, and she is thankful for the opportunity to help even in a small way.  “Yes, we face many challenges, but I'd rather work alongside the Afghan people to overcome those challenges than allow fear to paralyze me and keep me from doing what I can.”

Yvette has felt a heavy burden for Afghanistan for a long time and feels that God has really placed it on her heart to go and serve there.  “Sometimes God's heart for the Afghan people is like a fire in my bones, I don't know how else to describe it.  God is passionate for the people of Afghanistan and that makes me want to go in spite of the challenges.”

Kennedy feels that it is the need of the people at this time that compels him to continue to work in Afghanistan. “The Lord's expectation is to move away from our comfortable zone to walk into the unknown paths trusting in Him and to serve the people. If we are not there at this time of the need of the people then when?”   He finds strength and peace because he knows his security is in His hand. “Fix our eyes upon Him and cast all our cares on Him.  He will guide.”


Isaiah 43: 1 – 3

But now, this is what the Lord says—
    he who created you, Jacob,
    he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord your God,
    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior


What positives can you see about being in Afghanistan?

Sandra is looking forward to being able to come alongside the Afghan people as they work to solve the current crisis and move forward as a nation.  “Even if all I do is lend a shoulder on which to cry, I'm grateful to be a part of what God is doing in this country.”

Yvette has found watching everything unfold on the news last year was very hard for her because “I want to help the Afghan people, but I currently feel so helpless to do so.  I am looking forward to seeing what God will do through me once in country because I believe His light shines the brightest in the darkest of places.”

Kennedy finds it rewarding to see the joy in the face of the people who are in need and having the satisfaction of meeting their need. Also seeing staff work with motivation and work hard to meet the needs of the people even beyond office time and weekends to distribute relief materials.



What do you think your biggest challenge is/will be in country?

Sandra understandably finds it hard to know yet but thinks it will likely be challenging not to become overwhelmed by the needs and to instead rest in God's grace, providence and goodness. 

Yvette thinks her biggest challenge will be adjusting to a completely different life.  “Right now I'm living in safety and comfort near my family in my native culture.  I'm a little apprehensive about how I will handle such a big change as moving to Afghanistan, but I know the one thing that will not change is that God will be with me there just as He is with me now.”

Kennedy’s biggest challenge is that our Serve office has been occupied by the Taliban for many months. There was an accusation of "activities against Sharia" which informally seemed to mean "Christian activity" from the Taliban Security Department.  That has finally been solved.  Still it will be a process to get all our assets back and we will take a new office.  We praise God for the considerable support from the Taliban Ministry of Economy which oversees NGOs.


What one prayer point do you have for yourself right now?

Sandra asks for prayer that she would be patient and hopeful both for herself and for the Afghan people. 

Yvette asks that she would learn to walk very closely with God.  She wants people to see Jesus when they look at her and wants him to be able to live through her unhindered.  She feels the people of Afghanistan don't need her, they need Him, so requests prayer that she would be completely surrendered to Him even in the smallest details of her life.  

Kennedy asks very practically for his health as he seeks to control his blood sugar level.


For “Sandra” and “Yvette" and other enquirers we are not sure yet when they will be able to be in country.  We value your prayers especially for support systems for new people which may prove to be quite a challenge.  Our Argentinian couple, who would have overseen new expats, are taking a prolonged time out working with Afghans elsewhere so pray for them also, for rest and health.  We are looking for an experienced person or couple to oversee new expats as well as people to work in community health and in blind and deaf inclusive education.